In the following article, let us talk about growing turmeric from planting to harvest. The rhizomes are to be dipped in quinalphos (0.075%) solution for 15 minutes if scale infestations are observed and in mancozeb (0.3%) to avoid storage losses due to fungi. Farmyard Manure (FYM) or compost @ 30-40 tonnes/ ha alongwith vermin- Root lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.) Fertilizers @ 60 kg N, 50 kg P2O5 and 120 kg K2O per hectare are to be applied in split doses as given in Table 2. How to Select Planting Material of  Turmeric:- Seed selection is one of the key tasks for best turmeric growth and yield. The collar region of the pseudostem becomes soft and water soaked, resulting in collapse of the plant and decay of rhizomes. Turmeric can also be grown as intercrop. Climate Requirement for Turmeric:- Turmeric is a warm season crop and thrives best in humid climatic conditions. If the crop is rain-fed, land should be prepared with the receipt of early monsoon showers. If turmeric is being used as an inter-crop then the seed rate can be as low as 125kg per acre. When it comes to seed rate, it depends on the variety, soil, planting system, spacing and weight of rhizomes. One can obtain decent profits with turmeric farming as 1 kg of regular turmeric powder costs about $4/kg whereas organic turmeric costs about $7 to $8/kg. At Great Aussie Lawns we put the details of each lawn seed sowing rate on the product page so that you can calculate it based on a 100 square metre calculation. The cooked fingers are dried in the sun by spreading them in 5-7 cm thick layers on bamboo mats or drying floor. Cost of Weedicide (2 rounds ) Turmeric can be used as natural home remedies for many common health problems since it has excellent medicinal value. Approximately, 1000kg rhizomes are needed for planting in one acre of land. Turmeric in different Languages: Manjal ( Tamil ), Pasupu ( Telugu ), Mannal ( Malayalam ), Haldee ( Hindi ), Arisina ( Kannada ), Turmeric ( English ) Contents hide. If there is delay in processing, the rhizomes should be stored under shade or covered with sawdust or coir dust. As a mixed crop it can also be grown or rotated with green manure/ legumes crops or trap crops enabling effective nutrient built up and pest or disease control. The crop is to be mulched immediately after planting with green leaves @ 12-15 t/ha. Further, supplementation of oil cakes like neem cake (2 t/ha), composted coir pith (5 t/ha) and suitable microbial cultures of Azospirillum and phosphate solubilizing bacteria will improve the fertility and yield. The crop is to be mulched immediately after planting with green leaves or banana pseudostemor sugarcane trash at the rate of 12 to 15 tonnes per hectare. Treating the seed rhizomes with mancozeb 0.3% for 30 minutes prior to storage and at the time of sowing prevents the disease. The department gives a subsidy of 75% at the rate of Rs 60,000 per hectare, Gaonkar said. Turmeric has been used in Asia for thousands of years and is a major part of Siddha medicine. Later, two or more spots may coalesce and form an irregular patch covering almost the whole leaf. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). After care . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The seed rhizomes can also be stored in pits with saw dust, sand along with leaves of Strychnos nuxvomica (kanjiram). Apart from the above benefits, it is heavily used in herbal (Ayurveda) medicines and cosmetic industry. The spraying of malathion (0.1%) undertaken for the management of shoot borer is sufficient to manage this pest. The conversion period may be relaxed if the organic farm is being established on a land where chemicals were not previously used, provided sufficient proof of history of the area is available. A considerable reduction in the labour costs involved in turmeric cultivation. Both mother and finger rhizomes can be used for propagation of the crop. Though it can be grown on different types of soils, it thrives best in well-drained sandy or clay loam soils with a pH range of 4.5-7.5 with good organic status. The land is prepared with the receipt of early monsoon showers. The appearance is improved by smoothening and polishing the outer surface by manual or mechanical rubbing. Turmeric rhizomes should be planted at 1/3 d height of ridge on the broad ridge. Soil Requirement for Turmeric:- Turmeric crop can be grown on a wide variety of soils. Pack Size: 50 kg. The soil is brought to a fine tilth by giving about four deep ploughings. The leaves also turn yellow. Selection of healthy rhizomes, soil solarization and incorporation of Trichoderma, seed treatment and soil application of biocontrol agents like Trichoderma or Pseudomonas multiplied in suitable carrier media such as coir pith compost, well rotten cow dung or quality neem cake may be done at the time of sowing and at regular intervals to keep the rhizome rot disease in check. Pack Type: Jute bag. Pochonia chlamydosporia can be applied to the beds at the time of sowing @ 20 g/bed (at 106 cfu/g) for management of nematode problems. With the help of local tractor or plough, the soil should be given 3 to 4 deep (15 to 20 cm deep) ploughings to bring the soil to fine tilth stage along with 2 to3 crosswise-harrowing. Maintain 50 cm space in between beds. After the selection of quality seed rhizomes, they should be treated with mancozeb 0.3% (3 grams/Liter of water) for 25 to 30. The processing of turmeric is to be done 2 or 3 days after harvesting. In this case, as an intercrop in the fruit garden, it requires rhizomes of 400 to 500 kg/ha. Prepare small pits on the beds just before regular rainy season with a hand hoe. You must select well-developed healthy & disease free rhizomes as planting material. 1500-2000. You can also plant by forming furrows and ridges. For organic production, traditional varieties adapted to the local soil and climatic conditions that are resistant or tolerant to diseases, pests and nematode infection should be used. 8: Maharashtra Agricultural University, Kasba Digraj -416 305, Maharashtra. Highest Curcumin in all Indian Variety of Yellow Turmeric. Immediately with the receipt of pre-monsoon showers, beds of 1.0 m width, 15 cm height and of convenient length are prepared with spacing of 50 cm between beds. Crop grown on this isolation belt cannot be treated as organic. Intercrops in Turmeric Production:- Mixed crops like chilli, onion, french beans, eggplant (brinjal) and maize can be cultivated. However, by using improved types and adopting good management practices we can get yields up to 18 quintals of dried rhizomes per acre. Turmeric Common Names:- Turmeric, Curcuma, Ukon, Goeratji, Kakoenji, Oendre, Rame, Renet, Temu kuning, Koenjet, Haridra, Haldi, Indian Saffron, Arishina, Kondin, Kunir, Kunyit, Temu kunyit and Tius. The boiling should last for 45-60 minutes when the rhizomes turn soft. The seed rate varies from 600-750/Kg/acre. Artificial drying, using cross-flow hot air at a maximum temperature of 60oC also gives a satisfactory product. Turmeric belongs to of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. PG Tanzania. Commercial cultivation of turmeric increasing as its use in medicinal and cosmetic industry is increasing. Turmeric is one of key and major ingredients of Asian dishes. The disease can be controlled by spraying zineb 0.3% or Bordeaux mixture 1%. The lacewing bug (Stephanitis typicus) infests the foliage causing them to turn pale and dry up. However, in turmeric cultivation,  First irrigation should be given before planting the seed material and the next one should be given just after planting in the field. nos. When grown in a mixed cultivation system, it is essential that all the crops in the field are also subjected to organic methods of production. For an attractive product, turmeric powder (mixed with little water) may be sprinkled during the last phase of polishing. In the case of irrigated crop, depending upon the weather and soil conditions, about 15 to 23 irrigations are to be given in clayey soils and 40 irrigations in sandy loams. The following are some of the Indian high yielding turmeric cultivars (varieties). Labelling should clearly indicate the organic status of the product as “produce of organic agriculture” or a similar description when the standards requirements are fulfilled. Please leave all source links intact and adhere to applicable copyright and intellectual property guidelines and laws. According to AgriFarming online magazine, a seed rate of 2 500kg of rhizomes is required to plant one hectare of turmeric. Under organic farming, processing methods also should be based on mechanized, physical and biological processes to maintain the vital quality of organic ingredient throughout each step of its processing. 2 Uses. The improved method is by using a hand operated barrel or drum mounted on a central axis, the sides of which are made of expanded metal mesh. Turmeric can be grown in diverse tropical conditions from sea level to 1500 m above sea level, at a temperature range of 20-35oC with an annual rainfall of 1500 mm or more, under rainfed or irrigated conditions. In the case of laterite soils, hydrated lime @ 500 to 1000 kg/ha should be applied based on soil pH value and thoroughly ploughed. As we know, the seed of turmeric consists of rhizomes and care should be taken in the selection process. An average yield farmer can obtain from one-acre turmeric field is 10 to 12 quintals. provides latest Agriculture information on Agriculture Jobs, News, Horticulture, sustainable crop cultivation practices, organic farming, poultry, goat, dairy and tractors. Kg of rhizomes is rquiredfor one hectare. Thank you in advance. In most parts of the U.S. turmeric will produce best if you plant it indoors in the late winter. Spraying dimethoate (0.05%) is effective in managing the pest. Scientific Name or Botanical Name of Turmeric:-  Curcuma longa. India is a leading producer and exporter of turmeric in the world. Root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) Preservation of Seed Rhizomes:- Rhizomes for seed purpose should be heaped in the shade of trees or in well-ventilated sheds/rooms and covered with turmeric leaves. script async src="">, [embedyt][/embedyt], Having interest in farming made me to go for helping farmers and other individuals to make profits from agriculture farming, livestock farming ,horticulture farming and gardening. Farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 30-40 t/ha is applied by broadcasting and ploughed at the time of preparation of land or as basal dressing by spreading over the beds or in to the pits at the time of planting. Increasing the organic content of the soil also checks the multiplication of nematodes. The rhizomes do not develop well. Spraying Neemgold 0.5% or neemoil 0.5% during July-October (at 21 day intervals) is effective against the shoot borer. Seed rate is 2,500 Kg rhizomes per hectare. Certification and labeling is usually done by an independent body to provide a guarantee that the production standards are met. In order to avoid contamination of organically cultivated plots from neighboring non-organic farms, a suitable buffer zone with definite border is to be maintained. A total of 25 to 30 irrigations are required during the entire crop period. The improved varieties of turmeric and their salient features are given in the following table. 50 kg of “P” and 50 kg of “K” should be applied as a basal application. “Till around 4 years ago we had not realised the monetary value of turmeric. Top 10 Production Countries of Turmeric:- The following are the top ten production countries of Turmeric. The ideal soil pH range for this crop is 4.5 to 7.5. When the disease is noticed in the field, the beds should be drenched with mancozeb 0.3%. For certified organic production, at least 18 months the crop should be under organic management ie only the second crop of turmeric can be sold as organic. These figures are fairly standard when figuring seeding rates except when you are dealing with very large or very small seed … Turmeric has natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties, hence used for wound/cut/burn healing. It may be repeated for a second time after 50 days with the same quantity of green leaves after weeding and application of fertilizers. In Kerala and other West Coast areas where the rainfall begins early, the crop can be planted during April-May with the receipt of pre-monsoon showers. Mother rhizomes should be planted as such or split into 2, each having one sound bud. Marketing of Turmeric:- Turmeric can be marketed to local wholesale dealers or cosmetic industries or herbal companies. Integrated application of coir compost (@ 2.5 t/ha) combined with FYM, biofertilizer (Azospirillum) and half recommended dose of NPK is also recommended. The disease can be controlled by spraying mancozeb 0.2%. InDG is a Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) Government of India initiative and is executed by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Hyderabad. The inspectors appointed by the certification agencies will carry out inspection of the farm operations through records maintained and by periodic site inspections. Sowing is done in April-May in South India and a little later in North India. In the traditional method of curing, the cleaned rhizomes are boiled in water just enough to immerse them. Turmeric can be grown at an altitude of 1500 meters (mean sea level). Turmeric may prevent and help in treating Alzheimer’s disease. Source : Indian Institute of Spices Research. On an average a seed rate of 2,500 kg of mother rhizomes is required to plant in 1-hectare land or 2000 kg of finger rhizomes is required to cover 1-hectare land. 4 Area and Distribution. The fresh turmeric is cured for obtaining dry turmeric. The yield from 1 acre turmeric cultivation The Yield of Turmeric. It is desirable that organic method of production is followed in the entire farm; but in the case of large extent of area, the transition can be done in a phased manner for which a conversion plan has to be prepared. Note: Your local Horticulture is a good source for finding suitable solutions for controlling pests and diseases in Turmeric Cultivation. If you are planning for growing commercially, it is recommended going for a soil test to find out the fertility and suitability of the soil. Re: Seed and Fertilizer Usage Rates Post by fenixguy » Thu May 18, 2017 12:15 pm RODHA wrote: Btw, the sheet shows 0 for straw in %10, %30 and %100 extra yield. Spraying dimethoate (0.05%) is effective for the management of the pest. The pits are to be covered with wooden planks with one or two openings for aeration. Higher seed-rates are used for planting at higher altitudes. Introduction to Turmeric:- Turmeric is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant which is called as “Curcuma longa” scientifically. A seed rate of 2,500 kg of rhizomes is required for planting one hectare of turmeric. In the case of sliced turmeric, artificial drying has clear advantages in giving a brighter coloured product than sun drying which tends to undergo surface bleaching. The cooked fingers are taken out of the pan by lifting the trough and draining the water into the pan. Turmeric as a best component crop in agri-horti and silvi-horti systems, recycling of farm waste can be effectively done when grown with coconut, arecanut, mango, Leucaena, rubber etc. People often use the turmeric powder in marinating of meats apart from the regular culinary use. The spraying has to be initiated when the first symptom of pest attack is seen on the inner most leaf. 10 Seed Material Selection. Turmeric can also be grown as intercrop in coconut and arecanut plantations. In the improved scientific method of curing, the cleaned fingers (approximately 50 kg) are taken in a perforated trough of 0.9 m x 0.5 m x 0.4 m size made of GI or MS sheet with extended parallel handle. Cost of seed rhizomes @ Rs. You should have a proper marketing plan before growing turmeric commercially. The cost of rhizome seed varies from place to place along with the method of cultivation adopted. Sl. Turmeric is native to southern Asia and is being used as condiment, dye, drug and cosmetic in addition to its use in religious ceremonies. The fingers are separated from mother rhizomes. Ginger is propagated through seed rhizomes, which are cut into small pieces 2.5-5.0 cm length and weight of 22-25g each, whereas every piece should have two or more good buds. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) (Family: Zingiberaceae) is used as condiment, dye, drug and cosmetic in addition to its use in religious ceremonies. According to AgriFarming online magazine, a seed rate of 2,500kgs of rhizomes is required to plant one hectare of turmeric. Turmeric is grown from rhizomes, which should 40-50g in weight, with 1-2 buds for better production. Ground turmeric which is kind of yellow powder is produced by boiling turmeric rhizomes for 40 to 45 minutes and then dried in hot pans or ovens and then ground into deep orange-yellow powder. 12 Sowing. The disease is caused by Pythium graminicolum or P. aphanidermatum. Curing involves boiling of fresh rhizomes in water and drying in the sun. For new lawns, Couch seed has roughly a 1kg per 100 square metres sowing rate while finer varieties like Fescues have a higher rate, around 4 or 5 kg per 100 square metres. Documentation of farm activities is must for acquiring certification especially when both conventional and organic crops are raised. Avoid soils that are more prone to water stagnation and alkalinity. Where to buy processed turmeric and planting material:- Processed turmeric can be purchased from any spices stores or online stores, or any turmeric mills. Adult (female) scales are circular (about 1mm diameter) and light brown to grey and appear as encrustations on the rhizomes. The average yield per hectare comes to 20-25 tonnes of green turmeric. Turmeric crop can be grown under both irrigated and rainfed conditions. 9: Spices Research Station, Gujarat Agricultural University, Jagudan-382 701, Gujarat. The stage at which boiling is stopped largely influences the colour and aroma of the final product. Treat seed material with quinalphos (0.075%) (for 20-30 minutes) before storage and also before sowing in case the infestation persists. Manuring and fertilizer application Farmyard manure (FYM) or compost @ 30-40 t/ha is applied by broadcasting and ploughed at the time of preparation of land or as basal dressing by spreading over the beds or in to the pits at the time of planting. Resistant against leaf spot & leaf blotch disease. Turmeric can be grown hydroponically in much the same way as ginger and used fresh or dried produce. Make sure to select large sized, plumy & healthy mother rhizomes at least 100 grams in weight should be selected as planting material.. Propagation, Seed Rate and Seed Treatment of Turmeric:- Turmeric is propagated by whole or split mother and finger rhizomes. 6 and 7: Department of Spices and Plantation Crops, Faculty of Horticulture, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 003, Tamil Nadu. The adult is a medium sized moth with a wingspan of about 20 mm; the wings are orange- yellow with minute black spots. Turmeric can be grown in a greenhouse / polyhouse / shade net although they may not achieve the same stature as the plants grown outdoors in hot, humid climates. The average yield per hectare is 20-25 tonnes of green turmeric. and burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis) are the two important nematodes causing damage to turmeric. Manure and manuring. The affected leaves eventually dry up. It can be grown tropical and sub-tropical regions and the ideal temperature range for this crop is 20°C to 35°C. In severe cases the plants present a scorched appearance and the rhizome yield is reduced. Discard and do not store severely infested rhizomes. Turmeric crop requires an annual rainfall of 80 to 250 cm. 6 Climate. available on the farm can be recycled through composting, including vermicomposting so that soil fertility is maintained at high level. no. Sweta:- Sweta is developed by selection from local germplasm collected from Gujarat and released in 1987. Turmeric Names in Indian Languages:- Turmeric Powder (English),  Haldi / Hardhar (Hindi), Halad / Halede (Marathi), Hardhar / Haldi (Gujarati),  Pasupu (Telugu),  Manjalpodi (Tamil), Haladpito (Konkani), Arashina / Harasina Pudi (Kannada), Haldar / Haldi (Punjabi), Halood (Bengali), Manjalpodi (Malayalam), Haladi Gunda (Oriya), Haladi (Urdu), Lader (Kashmiri). Zinc @ 5 kg/ha may also be applied at the time of planting and organic manures like oil cakes can also be applied @ 2 t/ha. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Hyderabad. 5. A seed rate of 2,500 kg of rhizomes is required for planting one hectare of turmeric. © 2006–2019 C–DAC.All content appearing on the vikaspedia portal is through collaborative effort of vikaspedia and its partners.We encourage you to use and share the content in a respectful and fair manner. no. One can obtain 250 to 300 quintals/ha of fresh rhizomes under ideal farming conditions. Turmeric helps in relieving common cold, cough, and fever. Manual and machine harvesting can be done in the crop. nos. This portal has been developed as part of the national level initiative - India Development Gateway (InDG), dedicated for providing information / knowledge and ICT based knowledge products and services in the domain of social development. When the drum filled with turmeric is rotated, polishing is effected by abrasion of the surface against the mesh as well as by mutual rubbing against each other as they roll inside the drum. Turmeric plant can reach up to 1-meter height and is highly branched with yellow to orange, cylindrical, aromatic rhizomes. The yield of the dry product varies from 10-30% depending upon the variety and the location where the crop is grown. These treated rhizomes should be dried under shade for 4 hours before planting in the field. They feed on sap and when the rhizomes are severely infested, they become shrivelled and desiccated affecting its germination. Usually, we get this product in the market in powder, root, and turmeric supplements form. Significant decrease in pest attacks and therefore crop diseases. Moreover organic and non-organic products should not be stored and transported together except when labelled or physically separated. Seed rate of finger rhizome - 2000kg/ha. The harvested rhizomes are cleared of mud and other extraneous matter adhering to them. Fingers are separated from mother rhizomes. 4 Seed rate and Spacing A seed rate of 2,500 kg of rhizomes is required for planting one hectare of turmeric. feed on leaves especially during the monsoon season and form elongated parallel feeding marks on them. Fully-grown larvae are light brown with sparse hairs. A seed rate of 2,500 kg of rhizomes is required for planting one hectare of turmeric. Pests and Diseases of Turmeric:- Controlling pests and diseases is essential in any crop cultivation. Spacing is 25 cm in a row and 30 cm between rows. The spots are irregular in shape and white or grey in the centre. 40/- 400.00. 14: Department of Horticulture, Tirhut College of Agriculture, Rajendra Agricultural University, Dholi-843 121, Bihar. You have entered an incorrect email address! Solution: Plant population= 10000 0.75×0.2 =66666.67 Seed rate= 66666.67×250×100×100 90×90×1000×1000 =20.576 kg Amount of seed required for Gap filling= 5 100 ×20.576= 1.028 kg Total seed required for 1 hectare area= 20.576+1.028=21.604≈ 22kg/ha (Ans). Remaining “N” should be applied after 2 months of planting. The Yield of Turmeric:- Yield of any crop depends on many factors such as variety, soil type, climate, irrigation conditions, and other agriculture crop management practices. Black Turmeric Plant care Pits are filled with well decomposed cattle manure or compost, seed rhizomes are placed over it then covered with soil. Sl. Turmeric can also be grown as intercrop. Irrigation for Turmeric Crop:- Frequency of irrigation depends on the soil type (moisture holding capacity) and climatic conditions. Proper soil and water conservation measures by making conservation pits in the interspaces of beds across the slope have to be followed to minimize the erosion and runoff. All the ingredients and additives used in processing should be of agriculture origin and certified organic. Make sure extraneous matter adhering to rhizomes is cleared. No synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides or fungicides are allowed under organic system. Some of the popular cultivars are Duggirala, Tekurpeta, Sugandham, Amalapuram, Erode local, Alleppey, Moovattupuzha, and Lakadong. Health Benefits and Uses of Turmeric:- The following are some of the health benefits of Turmeric. 7. of India has taken steps to have indigenous certification system to help small and marginal growers and to issue valid organic certificates through certifying agencies accredited by APEDA. 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Dried leaves off will be sufficient can also be grown as intercrop in the labour involved. ( Conogethes punctiferalis ) is the top ten production Countries of turmeric, a seed of.