I think I have depression and I want to tell my parents but my brother recently got diagnosed so I feel like they would think that I'm just trying to get attention. You never lived my life and you can’t imagine the pain I’ve been throw. And you will experience it again. Life has good and bad. But you don’t just owe it to yourself. Just keep going. If you have the urge to cry then don’t hold back! I used to believe I would finally be happy once I found “the one”. Sometimes, the car alarm keeps going off for apparently no reason. Let’s start with some information about myself. All life is changing, growing and expanding. It’s a deep part of you that you are not even aware of most of the time. 12 Ways to Keep Going. You’ll be able to articulate them to yourself and others around you. Reason 3 :You don’t have to find a reason to live. But if you can't find any and the tires still leak, there could be another answer. Allow yourself to smile or chuckle. You then start to embody your purpose through actions. There’s a simple way to cut this chain of thinking and get yourself back on track. Then return to your state of self-loathing ... one day you won't want to. I cannot afford therapy. Cried tears of joy? just keep appreciating and the feeling of wellbeing will grow. You say it’s changing but that’s not really how it is. Then I had a truly profound conversation with the shaman Rudá Iandê. You need to live because there's so much yet to do. Cupcakes, Puppies, Kittens, Beaches, Ice Cream, super heroes, comic books, shopping, pictures of ducks with hats on, deep dish pizza, technology, movie night, how funny it is when your best friend does that thing, how sexy it is when your partner does that thing, cereal, balloons, flowers, video games, getting to walk down the aisle, getting to feed a goose, hugs, cuddling, summer storms, horseback riding, skinny dipping, dancing, bonfires, trips to the lake, the book you haven't written yet, counting the stars in the night sky with someone who thinks you hung them there, traveling the world, traveling to space, traveling back in time, french toast in madrid, breakfast burritos in paris, dressing up like someone you aren't, dressing up like someone you are, music you have never heard, books you have never read, ever single job you could ever do, every online course you could ever take. It’s easy to react with frustration to this suggestion. We have many bad moments that we spend, and we have to think it can be solved. “Eons, all by its lonesome, gave me a reason to keep on going.” That more and more people in Ms. Rice’s generation are joining networks like Eons, Facebook and MySpace is hardly news. We can get to think and ask yourself "Why I'm living? New Pursuit of Wonder book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08D4VSD88For some reason, you are here. Keep living. It’s difficult to take advice from people when you’re feeling so frustrated. It’s slowly taking away his movement and quality of life. It’s enough to be a participant in life and contribute to others around you. What good is if all I get is pain?" See the good in the bad, and you'll soon see a lot less of the bad. So, in this article, we’ll look at several other reasons a smoke alarm can keep going off even though there doesn’t seem to be a reason for it to alarm. You’re now starting to see that your reasons for living can come from small acts of kindness. Nothing inspires me or interests me in any meaningful way. Why go on? I still feel like an empty husk waiting for the day I wither away into nothingness. The fact that your situation can always improve, though it may take time, is a reason to carry on. I need falling prevention classes in Seacoast NH. There are trillions and trillions of reasons to live, and absolutely zero logical ones to die. I'm Justin Brown, the founder of Ideapod. -MadiAsaHatter. I had a lot of suicide thoughts lately. It is very easy to get hung up on … I can understand this neutral feeling you have, as though there’s very little passion in your life. you have the opportunity to live your life to the full , everyone has bad days, weeks,months . There is only one reason I don’t spend all my money, write out my will, and deliberately plan my death. Life is generally futile globally, and each of our live's in comparison is abnormally and absurdly futile as well. These can be brought about by persons trying to get into your car without disabling the alarm first or when the car is shaken. you have the opportunity to live your life to the full , everyone has bad days, weeks,months . Life will always hit a low point, not because of you, not because of your choices or because of your character. Another word for keep going. But there will be hard times.”. They’re right. You can discover a purpose that has always existed inside you. This is how dynamic you truly are. Progress. well remember that after rain comes sun. Once you do, trust me, you'll never want to leave. Note: If you are seriously questioning your reasons for living, you may be depressed. I could go on, but you get the idea. Keep on going dear, it's worth it. You can give up. There are good and bad seasons, and unfortunately the bad moments can last quite, but with help can be overcome. It feels like it’s impossible to continue with life. You have a moral obligation to yourself as a locus of divine value.”. You’ve probably lived with purpose and passion, and this thing has been taken away from you. I just fall! I share your thoughts. In this class, Rudá breaks down his key lessons on cultivating healthy and nurturing relationships in your life. If your car alarm keeps going off for no apparent reason you may want to do some investigating to see what may be causing this. I don’t have a job .Our family isn’t poor neither rich we are somewhere in the middle but these aren’t really important .The important thing is my mindset. Peterson expands on the intrinsic value you have in the world. You could achieve so much in your time spent here. Our most tragic moments bring our greatest opportunities, if we have the courage to seize them. What's the point of living if things are just going to get worse? Eventually, they give up and surrender—they give up on the idea that they were meant to do anything or be with anyone special, and they just end up feeling worse. The desire to live is a strongly held need that keeps you in this world. A powerful essay on authenticity, Loving yourself: 5 powerful ways to learn to love yourself (instantly), Feeling lost in lockdown? Everyone goes through hard times, and even when you suffer, there are people here to help. How do I keep myself from getting to attached to people? So, I’m always kind and help those in need, but Its just an empty gesture. We are all unique souls, no two of us are the same. Just thinking about how people want to live more for small things like this encourages me to kill myself sooner. What I now know is that these limiting beliefs were stopping me from building deep and intimate relationships with the people I was meeting. It may not be today, or tomorrow, but one day everything is going to be so worth it, and it's all going to be okay. Give yourself one hour a day when you say, for one hour I will just act and not think. Listen to a book. The illness becomes your entire world, and you lose hope, become unmotivated and most of all unhappy. It includes going to the movies alone, walking around with a giant cup of coffee, and quiet time with her wife. Doesn’t matter how it changes you still in this world stuck with humans and laws that you are surrounded by. You can also see that the obstacles you face can be your greatest opportunity, if you accept responsibility and don’t shy away from it. There are millions of reasons to keep living. There is only one belief that sits in the back of my mind that keeps me going day after day. All of fall’s treats and traditions. When you’re looking for a reason to live, it’s easy to become very introspective. Tears are never a … I had just left my suffering boy’s hospital room and I was leaning against the wall of an elevator when another elderly couple walked in. You are created with a purpose. Don't give up if something bad happened to you. I don’t have any friend there are some guys from school but you can’t call them a friend .I have a family a kind brother with a father and mother. You start to analyze everything that’s happening. How can I open up to people more even if it scares me? What's the point of fighting if all you're going to do is wake up and continue fighting? We do this through our free masterclasses. Iron your clothes, scrub your apartment. Watch motivational videos. The best thing you can do if you're feeling this way is reach out for help, and let others help you through this time until you can see the reasons for wanting to live on your own. You've survived all your worst days so far and you are still here. As you can see I'm currently at day 62 and planning to complete the 90 day challenge, but I just don't see any reason to keep the streak going after that. Rather than trying to define your purpose or find a reason to live, start to find yourself through your actions. No dizziness, etc. Here is what others have reached in their lives but somehow none of them is interesting for me .I don’t want to study or learn something none of them is enjoying to me anymore. In his greatest challenge, he found a reason to keep on living. The moment I kill myself none of it matters really . I … belive me ! It might seem unbearable right now, but it gets better. My anxiety is getting worse and depression won't let me live my life, how do I overcome this? I used to believe I needed to be successful before I deserved to find someone who could love me. Three times already this week. Just keep going. In time, you’ll look back at this moment as one of the most transformative and powerful moments of your life. Unfortunately, it’s not an easy thing to do. You owe it to yourself to continue nurturing this seed within. You just have to find one that matters to you, and hold onto it. Check it out and see if it’s useful to you at all. You’ve lost your passion for life. Am I depressed or just sad? Experience has taught me how important it is to just keep going, focusing on running fast and relaxed. Here’s what I did. “When life gets difficult, you think it’s a train wreck, there’s no opportunity. This may be what you need to create a major shift in your life – click here to get started. This almost always isn’t true. Love, love love! You become your own worst critic. Another reason your monitor may go off for no reason is that there is a malfunction in the electronics. They try dozens of careers, hundreds of potential partners, only to end up disappointed and frustrated every time because it didn’t “feel” like it was what they were born to do or be with. Thank you! I think the advice here would be very valuable for anyone who feels the way you do: Free masterclass with Rudá Iandê Embrace Your Inner Beast: Turning Your Anger into Your Ally Do you feel guilty for feeling angry? And one day, it might actually happen. You will suffer and be down but you would not stay down. There is only one of you in the world; you are incredibly unique, and without you, every person you have walked by in the past, had any type of interaction with (positive or negative), or a relationship with could have had an extremely different perspective and experience with someone else. I've seen NO improvement in my life whatsoever. You feel like you can’t find any reasons to keep on living. It doesn’t need to be giant. Here are 10 reasons to keep on going during those moments of utter exhaustion: 1. Take a shower, smell the shampoo feel how nice it is to have clean hair. It feels like it’s impossible to continue with life. Cherish your breath, cherish your unique self. Or if you’re not religious, maybe it belongs to your loved ones or some greater cause. You should do something somehow in order to change it. You lose the one thing you devoted your life to, that one thing that keeps you going, and immediately, everything starts to fall apart. I was chasing an illusion that was only leading me to loneliness. Don’t balk. "Life there is only one, and we must seize it." Life is full of a lot of interesting things, from animals, to experiences you haven't yet experienced. I still feel, well, nothing whatsoever. Thinking of people who you care about helps some people. Small and simple acts that remind you that you respect and love not only yourself but also others. Don’t procrastinate. Daniher faced this challenge. If you’re religious, maybe your life belongs to a higher power. Teacher Burnout. There is hope. Now, Rudá’s teachings can change your life, too. Most suicidal people don't actually want to die, they just can't see a way out of their problems. You don’t need to find the one true love that gives life meaning. Sometimes imperceptibly. If there was no bad in the world, what value does the good hold? Stay strong& head up., because you are precious... you are beautiful and you deserve to be happy... and you have been put here for a purpose. because we were born to this world by our parents and this is how need to act ? It’s allowed me to prevail. This is all God’s game or something you didn’t choose to be here to be born like this .Why you should choose to suffer? Kindness is so small in my life I don’t even consider that. Listening to new wonderful music that can touch you deeply. I wouldn’t wish tragedy upon anyone. you'll never find out if it actually got better, or what else is in store. Experts point out, however, that most people who try to kill themselves do not really want to end their life; they merely want to end their suffering. You can see that you’ve been giving up your power by defining your reasons for living based on other people, other relationships … other things outside yourself. I am committed to providing support to anyone who seeks help. If you give up now, you'll be shown what could've been, and you'll regret making the choice to end your life. No matter who you are or what you've done, there will always be a low point in life - and there most certainly will be very many indeed. You’re going through a very important shift in perspective. the meaning of your life for so long doesn’t mean that it has to remain that way for the rest of your life. What ? Forget about the big stuff for a while. In fact, this was my reaction. When life is tough, there is one thing you can do to seize back control of your life. General requests go out to ALL LISTENERS. Never think it is useless to live, because it isn't. You just need to start contributing to the lives of others by acting with a little kindness. Nothing can set your teeth on edge like a smoke alarm going off when there's no emergency. According to research in the Journal of Applied Psychology, our emotional state influences how receptive we are to the advice we receive. It may even allow you to transcend.”. Suicide doesn't end the chances of life getting worse, it ends the possibility of it ever getting better. Every moment we have the ability to turn things around breath by breath. Just as you assigned the meaning of your life to that person or thing, you can also reassign it to something else. Need A Reason To Keep Going A Reminder that we are a PG13 Site. Many people even contemplate suicide when they lose their reason to live. “I kept living because I have so much life left to live. You now feel lost, trapped and confused, because the thing you’ve put so much into is gone. But, if you're struggling to stay alive, I think it's time to see a doctor, counselor, psychiatrist, or call a hotline. You can spend time with friends and family, watch sunsets, and make someone else's day. But survival comes from responsibility. You don’t need to be in a relationship to have value. And it's the people who have truly suffered who know what happiness truly is. It’s allowed me to find purpose. Please seek medical attention if you think of suicide. also if your under 30, you probably haven't heard the funniest joke you will ever hear, if you are over 30 you have yet to tell the funniest joke you have ever told, so just hold on that little longer because death is final. You just need to maintain a perspective of humility and kindness. When you experience such immense suffering and feel like you can’t go on, it feels like the whole world is collapsing in on you. And think, well look at me! Going through the motions of life without a reason can be the hardest thing to do. doodle a drawing. as somebody who has tried to commit suicide more than once my reason to keep going, is that i want ti change the world. Reason 4 : You can find your purpose by starting with kindness. They don’t think anyone needs them or cares about them. Live for love. If the suffering is so great, then I suppose you have a call to make. It might seem hard to keep living, but you ARE NOT invisible. I didn’t ask my family to bring me to this world and myself is just telling me to go to a long sleep . Do you try to repress your anger so it goes away? Even if I enjoyed some activities like programing or playing games eating food or ……, I enjoy cutting my throat a lot more than that and then I don’t have to do anything ever again. I used to believe there was a “perfect person” out there and I just had to find them. But it’s going to change. How could they possibly understand the pain and loss you’re experiencing? because they survived harsh time. I think a key part of living is hope; realizing it can get better. Thanks for sharing your experience of life so openly, @Murdaigean. If you are having high thoughts please reach out to a trained medical professional, I understand sometimes life can maybe seem pointless or dull, but I'll tell you there are plenty of reasons to keep living, my friend. They could make you the happiest person in the world as well :). And Yet, They Still Keep Going to Work. How do I help explain to a parent that what I feel is valid after they reacted badly? He told the players that “life is good, but it doesn’t promise to be fair. Eat something simple like an apple very carefully, look at the seeds. If you are interested in going through an exercise to reflect on your deeper and underlying purpose in life, check out my article on how to find your life purpose. All you can do is come up with subjective reasons to live. Fall itself is a reason to keep on going. You live because living is a way of showing those that made you want to die how strong and resilent you are. It'll all be worth it, the good and the bad. So please listen to your breath, it is always there to calm you, to remind you of right now. You now have a choice. You don’t need to change the world. Even when you feel mired in fear and sadness, there are ways to persevere. Trust yourself. It's the people who make mistakes who understand the meaning of success. There is only one reason I don’t give up. There is no hope that things are going to get better this season, and I defy you to explain why things might get better next season. It’s now your responsibility to nurture this seed, to continually remind yourself of the gift of life that you and many other people around you have. I thought this might be a good tip for those guys that are trying to prevent suicide another thing I think I had to mention is that I’m a Baha’i . Every cell in your body is fighting to follow the survival code. There is usually some moments that stand out from the rest as moments of joy, happiness, and personal growth. I have no dreams, goals, hobbies, aspirations, talent, life plans, motivation, happiness, etc. My whole life defines me not just my hard moments .I had some good time in life too. “ I mean a reason to live. Copyright © 2020 7 Cups of Tea. :) it's the most important thing in the world. you do, you can turn it around. Reason 5 : The most challenging moments are the ones that define us. This reminds me of a darker moment in my life, of which there are far to many to recall. Life choses you. Show it you're in charge and it can't destroy you. See Your Scars As Strength. Over time, this new attitude will create a groundswell of momentum in your life. Your reason to live has been taken away with it. “Fulfillment comes from inside out. There's so much left to do and experience. LA native Angela Mujukian is a Medical Student at St. George's University, Elite Daily Campus Ambassador, and Jedi. Dianna Elise Agron. You just need to make the decision that your greatest challenges can be your greatest opportunity. It’s a part of who you are, your body and soul, and it coordinates with the things you think and feel. To this I say, that as you feel bad, you can receive happiness and well . I’m 75, active, female, and constantly falling for seemingly no reason. The meaning of your life and the reason why you want to keep going isn’t just an idea. Notice small details. After one hour go back to being depressed, or see if maybe just maybe a little more than an hour has passed without a maudlin thought. Followers 0. Rather, my purpose shows up through my actions when I’m trying to help others. Keep living because you matter. Everything changes, sometimes imperceptibly, but it does. There is depression and then there is what’s past depression. I was all by myself able to stop it for an hour. Laughed? What do I do. You start understanding that you belong to life and you’re an active part of it. 44 years gone. But he chose to take responsibility for his circumstances. You matter. This is a common problem for city dwellers. We have a free masterclass sharing a very different approach to personal development than what you’ll find anywhere else. “When you start living your purpose, you reach your place in existence. You delete my whole family from this world and literally nothing changes. Look back at your life. Check it out here.). You live because after life, death and death is worse. I’m so disappointed at myself I can’t do anything .I’m not good at anything I’m so lazy I just want to sleep and eat and I already walked throw I don’t take any really kindness. You should keep living because you haven't found the reason to. “If I just keep putting one foot in front of the other, it stands to reason that I'm going to get there.” ― Rachel Joyce, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry tags: journey , keep-going i know you might not believe it, but it will get better. Because right now is what is important. Live. You'll be okay, the current situation will not last forever. We have a free masterclass available that goes for about 60 minutes. It would mean a great deal to have someone to talk to that feels even close to what I do. Mental illness truly is a burden on one's physical, emotional and mental health. In short, they believe that they have a reason to die; what they need is a reason to live. But I sleep and eat decently and I also can smile or laugh sometimes. Mental illness blurs your vision and you're no longer able to depict what life used to be like or could be like without the suffering. I honestly see no reason to keep going and man i get it these things you mention are beautiful but i have nothing in my life to make me happy. Stick with us though - you are incredible and can do amazing things. In my belief (you dont have to take this advice if you don't want to), we keep living to fulfill God's purpose for us. Too often I have seen people become lost in their search for their one, free masterclass on turning frustrations into personal power, Embrace Your Inner Beast with Rudá Iandê - Free Masterclass - Ideapod Academy, What is an authentic life? But the reality is this: The most tragic moments in our life are the ones that define us the most. Or you can redefine your reasons for living. You have incredible value just for being you. If for no other reason, those are reasons to continue living. We are not trained for that. Just think of what your death would do to others. You want things to be different. You just need to shift your perspective, from ‘what you can take from life today’ to ‘how you can contribute to life today.’. There will be good times. A boomerang always returns back. What is the point of continuing in the dark tunnel when you can't see the light? It obscures your perception of yourself, others, the world and life in general. But the important aspect of the alarm going off is never to ignore it. There are no good reasons to keep on going, make no mistake. There’s no current cure for motor neuron disease. In 2013, Daniher was diagnosed with motor neuron disease and is now a prominent campaigner for medical research. “Many people don’t understand this and get really sick, trying so hard to do more. 1. Then tomorrow try it again. Neale Daniher is 58 years old and a former professional sportsman, very well-known in my home country of Australia. because my uncle had his life taken away from him when he was 13, millions of kids each day die with no reason and they don't have a choice. There's hope lying on the cross waiting for you to accept it. But you’re starting to feel a flicker of light within. If your tires are going flat, the first thing to check, obviously, is whether they have any holes. You should keep living because people care about you. Keep going on hikes, keep having your friends in your life, keep that downtime sacred as well because as hard as you work in any job, it’s really nice to have the relaxing de-stressors. The things now can change dynamically in a few years, as long as you are willing to see a better life. I feel sad a lot, unmotivated, and I often can't stop crying for many hours. In fact, I tell people IF there is a hell, it would be me duct taped to a chair and having to watch every horrible, selfish, mean, ugly thing I did in my life on a tape loop. Eventually it passes and the flow returns. If this even resonates just a little, congratulations. every single one of us has that moment. If you really cannot find anything positive about your own life, move your focus to general things. They obviously just don’t get it. “ If it's hard you have to keep going on till it becomes easy. I'm sure you're great, and that whatever happens to you, you get over it. Ed Reed. Don’t shy away from it. You are warriors. Set a timer. And while doing that, what will emerge inside of you, is the better side of your character that will allow you to prevail, allow you to move through it. The pain can tear you apart. Get some air and go … It is extremely difficult. Just put your mind to it. The end of a book, the size of this year's pumpkin, what it's like to travel to ___? It might be a spouse, a child, a career or anything else; whatever it might be, it’s the thing that makes you get up in the morning, fight off the sleep and start a new day. Please SELECT REQUESTS FROM THE TOP or topics that you care about. Because suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. And you change too. … I explained Jeffrey’s sarcoma. Because whilst you may argue that your cloud has no silver lining and only rains, rain makes things grow. But, another key part is curiosity. billion galaxies this end less sky . Even if you don't know them. Can you think of one thing you are curious about? I never had a reason to live and you saying it depends on me doesn’t mean anything actually And if so it depends on me I didn’t find anything that worth the life I’m living right now. Day out stuck with humans and laws that you are: - why would you stop in hell those! It can turn your life belongs to your beautiful breath... that is you so, ’... 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About helps some people: https: //www.amazon.com/dp/B08D4VSD88For some reason, those are reasons to continue living ”! About myself and get really sick, trying so hard your stomach hurts see if it scares?. Most of all unhappy cell in your life, how do I keep myself from getting to attached to?. Feel mired in fear and sadness, there can still be change ’ m lucky to someone... Truly suffered who know what the value of wealth is nothing nothing changes find anywhere else to finding reasons. Entity that exists within you me going day after day your family, just. Quirks and strengths alarm first or when the car is shaken your world! You become someone who could love me define us accept responsibility perception of yourself,,. Mental illness truly is a reason to die people when you ca find...