4. It is a cross section. If you go in with a positive mental attitude, you will have a great exp, yes the hours are long, but you are responsible for … He hated it. Opportunity to save some money. He has a BA in history and he got picked up for intel officer, but wanted to get the fuck out of the situation he was in so decided to go enlisted instead of waiting until 2014 to go to OCS. So moneywise, go to college first. Earn money. Viewpoints Pros of Military Medicine Cons of Military Medicine. I went to college before I just signed and the immediate bonus for me is going is as an E3 and not an E1. Hey Guys! If I join, I plan on being an IT guy. Each one has a unique ethos. The navy will give you what you work for and take out of it. Bullshit. Pay is determined by a set scale based on … 34 comments. I always thought it was funny. There are currently more than 50 significant naval bases across the continental United States. You need to stay competitive, keep your GPA up and get a degree in a field that the Navy is looking for. At the same time, it can also be a miserable experience if you end up with the wrong job. I am sad that your military experience has been negative, I am in the Army, a HPSP counselor, nurse and a pre-med major. When deciding on what branch of the military you want to join, it is very important to fully understand what each do and the typical jobs that you’ll be doing. I wouldn't trade my experiences in the Navy for anything. The Coast Guard is a maritime, military, multi-mission service unique among the U.S. military branches for having a maritime law enforcement mission (with jurisdiction in both domestic … Seems like a huge pain in the ass to me. I make damn good money because of my navy training. Archived. I got to see the world. Basic Training Pros and Cons . Probably the most recognizable difference between the Navy … And also it's like having a big family. Are you considering making ROTC part of your college experience and getting a head start on a military career? The biggest pro to me is that Navy bases tend to be in nice coastal areas with beautiful women. Got to see really out of the way places like Brunei, even got to go through both the suez, and panama canal. List of the Pros of Joining the Navy. Im 33 years old and an experienced … I joined at 19 with no college under my belt. These military bloggers and experts discuss the pros & cons, including who wins and who loses. My brother is in the Royal Navy, he said the best thing about being in it is basically that he gets to travel the world and visit places he though he'd never see in his lifetime. report. Cons: No one telling you what to do. I'm excited about my future, about becoming a leader, receiving more training, getting some college done. It offers world class training to its sailors. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I wish you the best of luck! Thanks for watching! It's been hard, but amazing. ... Photo of USS Constitution in Charlestown Navy Yard last night by MC2 Grant Grady (CHINFO photo) A Happy Sailor. You don't know how much freedom you have till its gone. Pros- Afghanistan and Syria are almost entirely landlocked. Sometimes works hard and sometimes it's not. To serve as either a GSM or a GSE in the United States Navy, you must meet certain requirements: 1. Yep. List of Advantages of Joining the Navy 1. 11 Pros of Serving in the Navy Pro: Financial Job Security If you’re looking for a career that provides stable income, the military is a great option. You will constantly feel rushed to make the most of your time with your family. Source: Me. I came in with an Associate's Degree and I'm in the same place as a guy who came in right out of high school. Pros and Cons? ... Navy… I also saved up a nice downpayment for a house. Related Article – Pros And Cons Of Joining The Air Force. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. As with any other job in the armed forces, there are several air force pros and cons. Think long and hard about joining if you have an issue with authority, if you have an issue with someone much younger being in charge of you, don't join if you wouldn't go to war obviously you might get deployed. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Its really hard to screw up the whole junior enlisted deal honestly. I feel like I'm going somewhere with my life, the Navy has given me direction, it has also help me financially, I have no debt, no kids, and a good chunk of savings in the bank. The Navy is what you make it. A lot of older people (older like...25ish +/- a couple years, usually a 3rd class) have a rough time because they can't adapt to taking orders or being bossed around by people who are younger than them (21-23ish). share. Obviously, a Winter class at Navy … By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. It's in no way a gimme. I think I chose correctly and would do it again. The Navy … However, if your goal is to become an officer in the Navy … Tweet on Twitter. I'm 20, wrapping up my 2nd year and trying to get my way in. Considerably better pay. Even if you only do four years and hate it, you can have your college paid for by either GI bill, trying to get into a badass program like STA-21, or even just TA (I think that's still a thing for us) while you're enlisted. No point in going to college, getting some dumb degree and becoming an SWO, where you'll just hate life. Cons: high cost of living, little diversity, pretty conservative (if that's a con for … A Navy nuclear power technician is an enlisted sailor who has received extensive training at the service's Naval Nuclear Power School and its Nuclear Power Training Unit. My friend just got out. Pros: benefits. But as such, I have have more power to push back. Cleaning- Honestly you will clean all the time. As an enlisted man, I take pride in knowing I along with the other E5s are the backbone of a ship. I can explain a lot more, but you need more specific questions. ... Pros and Cons … Edit: Also, anyone who says that people enlisting right out of high school are having trouble in adulthood, not true.I have more responsibilities and benefits than most people my age and I think I as a person turned out pretty well. While most future enlistees dream of becoming a Navy SEAL or Naval Aviator, the simple truth is this… The Navy … Must have normal color perception. Navy EA-18G Growler assigned to the USS Carl Vinson. #navy#joiningthenavy#military#navyprosandcons Cons- close quarters for months at sea with other sweaty men. Do something more productive, freeing, and with a better paycheck if that's the case. 1.2k. So far, he's been in and around the Carribean and he's currently in Bahrain. Apr 2, 2014. You'll be alright either way. Job satisfaction can go both ways as an E-5 as you and I experience both roles of leadership and worker roles but in the end if leadership is what someone is really looking for, being an officer is the right path. We take on both leadership and worker roles.So it really depends on how you look at it. One with complications. Sometimes I wish I would've gone to college first, but really I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. If you are academically and extracurricularly competitive I would suggest applying to USNA. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Con - It's not unlike prison. I only wished I had … Pros Of Joining The Air Force Pro: It Is a … Don't go officer or enlisted. Then you would come back in as an officer through OCS. I actually enjoy being enlisted, though as an E5, I have to put up with more burecratic shit. everyone knows you will deploy for at least 6 months at a time, but they gloss over how much time you spend at sea prior to deployment. Any idea what job you would pick? Join the navy! Then you would come back in as an officer through OCS. Joining the US Navy can be a fun, fulfilling, and rewarding career choice. Navy Federal Credit Union is the largest credit union in the world. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It's hard to translate … So much of what you need to figure out about the world on your own gets taken from you. I think LDOs are always some of the best officers, and not that you have to wait that long if you decide to get commissioned, you can't get "un-commissioned". This makes them inferior AND in debt because while they're off getting degrees in English, I'm actually seeing the world around me for what it is instead of through the bullshit lens college professors force. It really all depends on what you want out of life, I guess. Must be between the ages of 18 and 39. The new blended military retirement plan will begin in 2018. Imagine coming home to young kids that don't remember you and won't let you hold them for what must feel like an eternity. However, the gov't payed for my CC and I am not in debt from it. If you go in with a shorty attitude, you will have a shit exp. This is all true. The con that kept me out of the Navy was being stuck in close quarters for months with people that still have a high school mentality. Tons and tons of just petty bullshit that adds up, with very little that can be done to prevent it You can not plan a life while in the navy. Gone all the time. However, if your goal is to become an officer in the Navy then I suggest busting your ass and getting into an NROTC program at a college. Saw the world- I visited 9 countries during my 4 years. I disagree. A family member who may have served in a particular branch, like a father that served in the Air Force 2. The Navy only has one location for enlisted basic training: the Great Lakes Naval Training Center, which is located on the western shore of Lake Michigan, halfway between Chicago and Milwaukee. I'm not in the Navy, but an older guy my Dad worked with once told me that Navy stands for: Never Again Volunteer Yourself. Pro - It pays better than Prison, and they give you "liberty" every once in awhile. Cons: No one knows what we do or thinks we don't do anything, so we usually get tasked to help out other divisions with their work. If you actually know what you want to do with your life, then yeah college to officer is great, as you can do your career in the military, but if you have no idea then I'd go enlist for four years and try to figure out what you want to do with your life. I had a high school diploma. I've been thinking about joining the Navy after graduating high school, but I want to know what I'm getting myself into. If this is a branch of service that interests you, then here are the pros and cons to consider before finalizing your decision. The issue is Army, Navy… Once you have a shield, you have it unless you really fuck it away... My husband on the other hand, has a degree. 13. So there's a bunch of ups and downs. Share on Facebook. Free if you make it past the panels for the scholarships. A lifelong dream to serve in one particular job in the service (like wanting to be a Navy SEAL) 3. Been in for 9 years now. NROTC can foot the bill of tuition if you are competitive as a scholarship candidate. On one hand, had I joined at 18, I wouldn't be in $6k of student loan debt and would have some good money in the bank. US citizenshipis not required. I would do it again and would support either of my kids if they decoded to join. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. We all tend to be a bit more mature, but I think that's more because we've spent 4/5 years growing up rather than our education making us mature. There are still good ones, but you have to seek them out and it's hard when you're only there for 2 days a month. Being in charge of people who want to get out and really don't care about their jobs. 0. There are cons. I've been to a couple of ports, it's pretty awesome. So there you go, the biggest pros and cons of being in the military, according to me. That's a car loan and shouldn't even be considered student debt. I've met amazing people, done awesome things, and earned a lot of college credits for free just through the schools the Navy has sent me through. Press J to jump to the feed. You still have to do all that military BS without actually being in yet. All in all, it's up to you. My dad did 20 in the Navy and I spent enough time on his ships that I knew that'd be an issue for me. If you can't hack that then you probably aren't going to get a high GPA in a desired field for a commission either. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Traffic is a bitch, but the public transportation is great. Army people are different than Navy people. If you want to use the GPA to get bumped from E1 to E3, don't do it. hide. I joined at 18 and my mom tells me I turned out fine. Or do you want to be the guy who tells the deck ape's bosses how his deck apes should get dirty? If you have any questions, PM me. A free college degree and an open door to the Navy. Get a taste of what the "dirty work" is like before you go playing politics, pushing paper, and dealing with way more bullshit than I'd like to. List of the Pros of Joining the Navy 1. They trained me to operate power plants. Navy person here. Pros: More money Better life No one telling you what to do. Total cost to me. Its not like the movies where an officer runs around guns blazing unless you count a pen as a gun. On the other, however, I can't begin to talk about how much I've learned in just 2 years of my life. You are in the military you do what you are told. No losing there. Learn a trade- I spent almost 2 years in school learning electronics, and computer networks. save. It was awesome. For me, the pros far out weigh the cons and I am glad that I chose to join the military. I was used to the traffic (I am from Chicago). Do you truly get the college experience in NROTC though? Meeting amazing people from all sorts of places.Cons: you'll meet the worst people in your life in the Navy too, being treated like a child, 'one team one fight' sometimes sucks. The issue for you is not just military or no military. He went to mast last year, so he can't put in his package for another year and probably won't get picked up because of his NJP anyway. If you like this video please LIKE, COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE! Nuclear power is one of the most academically rigorous career fields in the U.S. Navy. I plan to stay in as long as I possibly can. Like mindless cleaning for hours on end. List of Pros of Joining the Navy 1. You'll advance quicker if you just enlist (18mos form E1-E3) than if you go for the degree. AT vs ET which field would put me working on more high tech equipment … I served for 20 years with some of the best people ever. Cons It's like the Navy, but less organized and the people don't care as much. And see the opposing navy! A lot of life lessons you have to learn as an adult you just have to experience and learn from. Everything you do is planned and supervised by someone else, all you have to do is what you are told and you are a stellar sailor. I haven't taken any test at all. Also when I got in and saw the caliber of some ensigns it can be irritating that they are getting paid so much but again it is what it is. 4. If you know/knew of anyone that was an ET how did your field compare with theirs? The training is good too. Close. If you want to make a career out of the Navy then enlisting for four years before college isn't a bad option as they help pay for school. Additionally, if you want to make a career out of it and want the lifestyle and discipline while in college look into one of the senior military academies if you cannot go to USNA. Posted by 5 years ago. Hello all, Ive been thinking about making the Navy my new home (with my wife and 4 children) so Ive contacted a recruiter and all is looking well so far. Being in charge of people who want to get out and really don't care about their … I've only been in 3 years and it has been by far the best damn decision I've have ever made. Here Are the Pros and Cons. 5. Nada. Please Subscribe!! 3. But that really isn't an issue until you go surfing … I get paid to attend school now thanks to the GI Bill. I know quite a few guys who have degrees and then enlisted. It's not that you don't meet any smart people in the navy, its that its very rare to meet any smart older people. Did you take the ASVAB? I think it depends on you and your situation. Talk to people who were in. I'm loving the Navy now at 23, but I don't know if 18 y/o me would have been as enthusiastic about my job/life as 23 y/o me is. It all depends on what rate you pick when you go to meps (or whatever its called) if you're a CTN you really won't go to ships, most other rates do. At that rate, you'll have about 12-15k in debt when leaving school. The score you get on that determines what jobs they let you chose from. 1. There are certain choices you never have to make and you never just have to "figure shit out" without adult supervision. Here are some more details about its size, responsibilities, and command: I joined at a time when there were no jobs and I had a wife to support. Navy vs. Air Force: 5 Key Differences. but all and all, I like it is awesome. The Navy gives you an opportunity to go see the world. GSM: Must have an Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery(ASVAB) score of VE (Verbal) + AR (Arithmetic Reasoning) + MK (Math Knowledge) + AS (Auto Shop) = 200 o… Just like the country. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I wasn't even 18 yet. The college afterwards is nice, and if you get tuition assistance you can take some college when in. Being referred to as "seaman" for the first few years. Pros: excellent school district, close to St Cloud shopping/restaurants, about an hour drive to the cities, mostly friendly folks. I wouldn't say he hates it, but he definitely is upset that he didn't just go for the commission sometimes. I would never regret enlisting, even if I was trying to go officer. What are the chances of me dying while in the Navy? I have never regretted my decision of enlisting after high school in the Navy, it is what it is. You receive a comprehensive leave package when joining the Navy. I'm a stronger person physically, and mentally. A lot of the comments are by people who new someone in the navy. No one else would have given that to me. Cons, lots of them. The U.S. Army was officially recognized as a military force in 1784 after the country received its independence. Being in college has given me some study skills I think will help me at any A school I go to in the future and I've made some priceless friends and memories here. The United States Army (USA) serves as the land warfare branch of the military. Most of the people I have met that joined at age 18 have a really hard time becoming fully functional well balanced adults. I guess coming from both sides, I would enlist first. 5. For anything Navy related, not limited to US Navy. I told my family that I might join and they kept saying that they didn't want me to die. If you want to make a career out of the Navy then enlisting for four years before college isn't a bad option as they help pay for school. 48626. What's your degree going to do for you, what are you wanting to do with it? Cons: you'll meet the worst people in your life in the Navy too, being treated like a child, 'one team one fight' sometimes sucks. An officer does make more money than me, but you are much more closely observed and do a lot more admin. It’s also the oldest of the American military branches with origins in the Revolutionary War. I went to boot camp a month after I graduated high school. If you're only doing it for money, you'll never be happy and the money isn't that great. They paid for 2 children's birth. Up to you to run things and plan and figure out what needs to be done TONS more work. Sorry. job stability, paycheck, travel, discipline, fitness, new experiences. ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit … Pro's- Free College. I'm talking weeks, if not months. Pros and Cons of living in Bahrain. ROTC can be a fulfilling option for many college students, but joining the program is also a serious commitment. Seriously. I've seen more of the world in one year than most people I know have seen in their entire life. Pros and Cons of Joining the Navy. The Navy will be there 2, 5, 10, 20 years from now. Deciding on which branch of the military you want to join is easy for some, and not so easy for others.Some have their hearts set on a particular branch for a wide variety of reasons, including: 1. Being stuck on a ship for months at a time. So to summarize, do what you think you want to do. Also, if you're joining the navy for the money, don't join the navy. That matters quite a bit on what kind of situation you will be in. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. If you have the grades get the degree one way or another. Cons- No choice in what happens to you. Also with some morons. Pros lots of them. 2. The locals don't like you. According to some of the Active and Reserve members of this military service, one of the benefits of being in the … The other con for a longer career is separation from your family. In this post, I will be listing 10 pros and cons of the Air Force. by the time I got out I was making roughly 60k and living in San Diego. Image: wikimedia Difference #1: Responsibilities. If you want to use it to commission, go into that with that mindset. They have different types of patients, different locales, different patterns of injury and illness. An officer makes more money than me btw. Then you can go officer. Even an associates will take 18-24mos, plus you have to pay for it. Smart people get out and never look back, for the most part its people that have nothing better to do that stay in. 5 years ago, I had no idea what I wanted to do, I just kind of chugged my way through college because I was supposed to. This branch of the US military allows you to earn college education at their expense, paying nearly all of the … Some of my pro are other peoples cons. It offers quality and free education, as well as training. College is no better a place to figure shit out, as it's not even in the same world as the "real world". Once you begin to actively serve in the Navy… It has its ups and downs. Edit: Spelling. We're an at sea rate so the sea shore rotation is shitty. Check out NROTC. Do you want to be a deck ape like me and get dirty? The pay scale for enlisted personnel the Navy, as in all branches of the military, depends on a sailor's rank, or as it's called in the Navy the sailor's rate, as well as his years of service. Pros & Cons of Being a Navy Nuclear Technician. The motto of the Army is “This We’ll Defend”. Take in all of the advice you get, everything you read, what you believe from the recruiters, your family if you're close with them, your girl (or boy) if you have one, and make the decision for yourself. The work … 3. To college first, but you are in the Navy, getting college... With origins in the U.S. Navy from now can be a Navy Technician! Served for 20 years from now go through both the suez, and computer networks a..., for the scholarships do something more productive, freeing, and they kept saying that did! 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