Sources include:; Boston Public Schools website; BLS Archives, 27 School Street, Suite 300 Read your article online and download the PDF from your email or your account. Complex With a personal account, you can read up to 100 articles each month for free. of Contents. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Boston Latin School seeks to ground its students in a contemporary classical education as preparation for successful college studies, responsible and engaged citizenship, and a rewarding life. Boston Latin Academy (BLA) is a public exam school founded in 1878 in Boston, Massachusetts providing students in grades 7th through 12th a classical preparatory education.. Shuttle; Executive Vice President, Martin Marietta Corporation; Lawyer; Inductee, National Lacrosse Hall of Fame; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1965, Major League Baseball Player (1924-1931), New York Giants, Chicago Cubs, Boston Braves; Scout, Boston Red Sox, Economist; Professor of Economics, Chair Economics Department, Princeton University; Dean, Yale School of Management; Member, Council of Economic Advisers; President, American Finance Association; Author, A Random Walk Down Wall Street; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 2011, Economist; Economic Development Specialist; United States Representative on Numerous International Commissions; Author, The World Wheat Economy: 1885-1939; Modern India’s Economy: Two Decades of Planned Growth; World Demand for Raw Materials in 1985 and 2000 (1978), Professor, San Francisco State College; Industrial Secretary, Boston Urban League; Author, Negro Trade Unionists in Boston, The Tragedy of the Ten-Million-Acre Bill, United States Senator (1800-1803); Representative in Congress (1817-1820), New England Puritan Minister; Theologian; Author, Congregational Minister, Witney, England; Theologian, Minister; Second Church, Congregational; Author, Life of Cotton Mather, General Counsel and Secretary of the College, Trinity College, Hartford; Founding Director, Discovering Justice, The James D. St. Clair Court Education Project, United States Government Service; Presidential Highest Civilian Award, Medal of Freedom, Minister, New Hampton, New Hampshire and East Winsor, Connecticut, U.S. "—" indicates the year entered is unknown at this time. Case); Marketing Consultant: Boston Red Sox , MFA & professional basketball, baseball, hockey, and football leagues; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 2005, Unitarian Minister, South Congregational Church; Orator; Usher in the School; Chaplain, United States Senate; President, Boston Latin School Association; Author; Illustrious Americans, The Man Without a Country, Folk Singer/Songwriter; Music featured on several television shows, including Comedy Central's The Daily Show, the Independent Film Channel’s Portlandia and Netflix's Lady Dynamite; Performs as Hungrytown (with husband Ken Anderson), Minister; Representative in Congress (1855-1859); Abolitionist; Orator, Anthropologist; Linguist, Specialized in Native American Languages; Ph.D. Dissertation. Published By: The Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Inc. (CAMWS), Read Online (Free) relies on page scans, which are not currently available to screen readers. Boston Latin Academy was established in 1878 as Girls’ Latin School, the first college preparatory high school for girls established in the United States. Discover the notable alumni of Boston College. The Boston Latin School Shop allows you to customize Boston Latin School clothing and face masks for every type of Wolfpack fan. Just tell us a little about yourself. The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Boston Latin Schoolin Boston, Massachusetts.If you see your name among the Boston Latin School graduates, someone is looking for you! Horticulturalist; Author, Skeleton Tours, Supplements to Andrew Downing’s A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Captain-Lieutenant, Continental Artillery; Secretary, Northwest Territory (1788-1798), Acting Governor (1796-1798); Governor, Mississippi Territory (1798-1801); Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Member, American Antiquarian Society; Original Member, Society of the Cincinnati, Professor of German and Slavic Studies, Chair, Department of Romance and Germanic Languages and Literatures, Wayne State University; Recipient, Bundesverdienstkreuz, Germany’s Highest Civilian Honor, Atlantic Monthly Editor; Author; Historian; His early history text is the standard for all history text books, Entomologist; Paleontologist, Founder of Insect Paleontology in America, Minister, Rutland, Vermont; Brooklyn, New York; Syracuse, New York; St. Paul, Minnesota, Investment Banker; Social Justice Activist; Lawyer; Partner, Goldman Sachs, Founder, Real Estate Division; Philanthropist; Benefactor, Facing History and Ourselves; Benefactor, Boston Latin School, Seevak Chair in History; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 2000, Professor of Slavic Literatures and Comparative Literature, Columbia University; Author, The Literature of Eighteenth-Century Russia: A History and Anthology, Renaissance Culture in Poland: The Rise of Humanism, The Columbia Guide to the Literature of Eastern Europe Since 1945; Decorated by Polish Government for Contributions on Behalf of Polish Culture, Minister, Old South Church, Congregational; Declined Presidency, Harvard College (1724), Loyalist; Attorney General, Province of Massachusetts Bay; Judge of Admiralty, New Brunswick, Justice, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (1800-1814), Chief Justice (1814); Representative in Congress (1796-1800); Fellow, American Society of Arts and Sciences; Member, American Antiquarian Society, Anthropologist; Curator, American Museum of Natural History; President, American Anthropological Association; President, American Eugenics Society; Author, The Heritage of the Bounty: The story of Pitcairn Island through Six Generations, Peking Man, The Jewish People: A Biological History, President, Massachusetts Medical Society; Hersey Professor, Theory and Practice of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Architect, Wellesley Town Hall, Boston Free Hospital for Women; Arborist, Author, The Genus Pinus, Senior U.S. District Court Judge, Eastern District of Washington (appointed by President Clinton, 1998), Logician; eponym: Sheffer stroke, Sheffer connective; Credited with coining the term "Boolean algebra", Physician; Founding Director, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases; Chief, Connective Tissue Division, Johns Hopkins Medical School; Recipient, Heberden Medal, British Society of Rheumatology; President, American Rheumatism Association (now American College of Rheumatology); eponym: Shulman Syndrome, 20th Mayor of Boston (1868-1871); Physician, Corporation Counsel, City of Boston; Member, MA House of Representatives 1915-1916; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1958, Minister, First Parish, Congregational, Brewster, Head Master, Boston Latin School (2017- ); Principal, Eastern Senior High School, Washington, D.C.; Deputy Chief, Leadership Development, D.C. Public Schools; Chief of Staff, Boston Public Schools; English Master, Boston Latin School; Boston Latin School Outstanding Recent Graduate 2011, Businessman; President & CFO of Global Petroleum Corp, Professor, Director, Program in Higher Education and Center for Urban Community College Leadership, New York University School of Education; Chancellor, California Community Colleges; Dean, School of Education, City College of New York, Author, America; My Country ‘Tis of Thee; Collaborator, "The Star Spangled Banner" ; Minister, Needham; Pastor, First Baptist Church, Newton; Member, Songwriters Hall of Fame, First Congregational Minister, Portland, Maine, Chairman, Classics Department, Dean, College of Liberal Studies, Howard University; Cultural Attaché, United States Embassy, Rome; Recipient, National Humanities Medal; Author, Blacks in Antiquity: Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman Experience; Before Color Prejudice: The Ancient View of Blacks, President, Hotel Corporation of America, Seagrave Corporation, Premier Corporation of America; President, American Jewish Committee, Boston Foundation; Director, Columbia Pictures Corporation, Massachusetts Higher Education Assistance Corporation, American Child Guidance Foundation, Palm Beach Community Chest, Bullard Professor of Neuropathology, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School; Head, Boston Psychopathic Hospital; President, American Medico-Psychological Association; Author, Shell Shock and Other Neuropsychiatric Problems, Outline of Neuropathology; Pioneered Pathologic Study of the Brain, Captain, Continental Army; Rector, Martin’s Brandon Parish, Episcopal, Virginia; Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Civil Servant; Social Worker; Urban Planner; President, NAACP – Boston Branch (1945-48); Director, Robert Gould Shaw House; Secretary, United Settlements; Vice President, National Negro Congress; Executive Director, Armstrong-Hemenway Foundation; First Black Moderator, Massachusetts Congregational Christian Conference, New Hampshire Representative in Congress (1913-1915); Member, New Hampshire House of Representatives (1909, 1911, 1913, 1923); Vice Chairman, United States Shipping Board (1917-1920; Member/Special Counsel, Federal Trade Commission, President, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Association, Presbyterian Minister, Washington Heights, New York; Editor, New York Observer; Author, Across Russia, Cruising Among the Caribees, Librarian, Harvard College; Congregational Minister, Northhampton, Minister, Worcester and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Physician; Numismatist; Founder, Gynaecological Society of Boston, Lieutenant Governor, Acting Governor (1694-1699; 1700-1701) and Chief Justice, Supreme Judicial Court, Province of Massachusetts Bay; Presided at Salem Witch Trials, Managing Director, Head of Institutional Client Transition Excellence Team, TIAA-CREF; Boston Latin School Outstanding Recent Graduate 2000, Professor; Founding Member, Institute of the Black World (Independent Black Think Tank); Consultant,"Eyes on the Prize" and "Malcolm X: Make It Plain", Architect. The Classical Journal. Dorchester Massachusetts Maine Boston How To Memorize Things City School Girls Daughters Cities. Also shown were the names of famous alumni like Sam Adams, John Hancock, Ben Franklin, and RW Emerson. President, Massachusetts Historical Society; Minister, Harvard Unitarian Church, Charlestown; Editor, Christian Register; Author, History of the Massachusetts General Hospital, The Puritan Age and Rule in the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1629-85, Philosopher; Poet; Essayist, Orator; Leader of the Transcendentalist Movement; Author, The American Scholar, Self-Reliance, Nature. This is "Boston Latin School - Alumni" by Hawke Commercial Filmmaking on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Purchase this issue for $24.00 USD. Congregational Minister, Lynn; Newark, New Jersey; New York City; Author, Is Eternal Punishment Endless? is not affiliated with and is independent of any school, school district, alumni association or any other sites. Astronomer; Professor of Mathematics, Racine College; Professor of Meteorology, United States Weather Bureau, Washington, D.C.; Episcopal Rector, Natick and Washington, D.C. Chief Justice, Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Loyalist; Chief Justice, Superior Court, Nova Scotia, Singer, Choir Director; Director, Boston Branch, American Academy of the Dramatic Arts; Author, Modern Singing Methods, A Ground-Breaking Work, President, American Medical Association; Abolitionist; Author. Why do I need to login? 18); Commentator, World Championship Chess Match between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky, Chief Justice, Superior Court, Province of Massachusetts Bay, Under Secretary, United States Air Force; President, Eastern Air Lines (credited with establishing NYC/Boston/D.C. Boston Latin Academy is a Boston public exam school with a classical and liberal arts curriculum that prepares students for college and beyond. This page was created in an effort to support the current Boston Latin Academy hockey program as well as future teams to come. Bishop, Methodist Episcopal Church; Chancellor, American University, Washington, D.C. Signer, Declaration of Independence; President, Continental Congress (1775-1777); Governor, Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1780-1785; 1787-1793); Merchant; Charter Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Chief of Operations, Boston Public Schools; Commissioner, Property and Construction Management, City of Boston; Boston Latin School Outstanding Recent Graduate 2005, General, United States Army; Assistant Chief of Staff, Third Army, World War II; Commandant of Cadets, United States Military Academy; Chief of Staff, Eighth Army, Korean Conflict; Commander 45th and 24th Infantry Divisions, Korean Conflict; Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, 1962-1964, Representative in Congress (1911-1913); United States Attorney for Massachusetts (1921-1924), President, Massachusetts Medical Society; Professor of the Principles of Surgery and Clinical Surgery, Harvard Medical School; Author, Cases of vesico-vaginal fistula treated by operation, Professor of Mathematics, Brown University, University of Illinois, University of Maryland; Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Mathematical Society; Author, Selected Topics in the Classical Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable; Complex Function Theory, Entomologist; Curator/Director, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University; Secretary and Librarian, Boston Society of Natural History; Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Jazz Critic, Political/Social Commentator; Historian; Author, Boston Boy, Journey into Jazz, Free Speech for Me—But Not for Thee; Living the Bill of Rights; The Nat Hentoff Reader; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 2004, Minister, Boston and New York City; Author, Through Armenia on Horseback (Concerning Massacre of 1894-1895), Executive Director, STRIVE and Vice President for Employment and Vocational Services, Justice Resource Institute; Senior Fellow, Boston University Institute for Non-Profit Management; Chair, Board of Trustees, Boston Latin School Association; Boston Latin School Outstanding Recent Graduate 2012, Banker; Founder and Benefactor, Boston Symphony Orchestra; Benefactor, Harvard University, United States District Attorney; Dean, Boston University School of Law, President, Robert G. Hoffman, Inc.; Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Synergy Group, Inc.; Vice Chairman, United Nations International School; Dr. Joseph F. Desmond ’44 Volunteer Award 1997, Treasurer, Harvard College; Minister, First Church, Congregational, Boxford, Signer, Declaration of independence; Member, Continental Congress; Lawyer, Wilmington, North Carolina, Physician; Founder, Director, Perkins Institution for the Blind; Abolitionist, Member of the Secret Six, Supporters of John Brown, Producer; Playwright, A Trip to Chinatown, A Parlor Match; A Stranger in New York; Drama Critic; Manager, Hoyt’s Madison Square Theatre; Member, New Hampshire Legislature, Public Servant, Mayor, Parkland, FL; Former Parkland, FL City Commissioner; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 2019, Lawyer, Colonel, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Army; Linguist (Persian, Sanskrit); Photographer, Architect; Founder, American Institute of Architects; Designed Metropolitan Museum of Art, Pedestal of Statue of Liberty, Fogg Art Museum, the Biltmore Estate, Head Master, Boston Latin School (1776-1805), Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Community Relations, Northeast Utilities; Chief of Environment and Energy, City of Boston; Member, Board of Trustees, Boston Latin School Association; Boston Latin School Outstanding Recent Graduate 2009, Chief Justice, Court of Common Pleas. Many notable figures in government, business, entertainment, sports and other sectors are graduates of the Boston Public Schools. Boston Latin Academy is a Boston public exam school with a classical and liberal arts curriculum that prepares students for college and beyond. Latin Academy officials are quick to note that Blecharczyk is an active alumnus. Access supplemental materials and multimedia. Boston Latin Academy. Boston Latin Academy has a one hundred and thirty-five-year history of academic excellence with an outstanding rate of college placement. The Classical Journal Go to Table Member, Massachusetts House of Representatives and Massachusetts Senate, Rector, St. John the Baptist Church, Baltimore, Maryland, Lawyer; Journalist; Foreign Correspondent, New York Herald, New York Tribune; Author, Paris War Days: Diary of an American, Artist, Mural Painter: Dome, Library of Congress Main Reading Room, Iowa State Capitol, Minnesota State Capitol, Wisconsin State Capitol, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; President National Society of Mural Painters; President, National Academy of Design, President and Chief Operating Officer, AGAR, Largest Independent Food Distributor in New England; Benefactor, Boston Latin School; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 2010, Surgeon, San Francisco; Author, Surgical Cases with Illustrations, Rector, Church of the Incarnation, Episcopal, New York, Rector, Christ Church, Episcopal, Springfield; Dean of Convocation, President of Standing Committee, Diocese of Springfield, Executive Vice President, Administration, Boston Red Sox; Interim Director, Boston Red Sox Foundation; Dr. Joseph F. Desmond ’44 Volunteer Award 2002, Lawyer; Businessman; Entrepreneur; One of First wo African-Americans to Buy Controlling Interest in NBA as Co-Owner, Denver Nuggets; Member, Chicago Plan Commission, Chicago Commission on Landmarks; Member, Harvard Board of Overseers, Surgeon; President, Massachusetts Medical Society; Chairman, Associated Committees for the Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis; Author, Realism in Medicine; Inventor, Cabot Splint, Founder, Samuel Cabot Company: Cabot Stain, Architect; Cape Arundel Summer Colony Historic District, “The Father of Geochemistry”; Chief Chemist, United States Geological Survey; Author, The Data of Geochemistry; Chairman, International Commission on Atomic Weights; Determined Composition of Earth's Crust; Founder, ACS; eponym: mineral Clarkeite, National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-Terrorism; Member, National Security Council; Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs; Author, Against All Enemies, The Scorpion’s Gate; Benefactor, Boston Latin School; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 2003, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Portfolio Manager, Clough Capital Partners, L.P.; Chief Global Investment Strategist, Merrill Lynch, Board of Trustees, Boston College; Benefactor, Boston Latin School; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 2012, Entrepreneur; Investor; Financier; Partner, Cogan, Berlind, Weill & Levitt; Founder, United Automotive Group; Benefactor, Boston Latin School; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1992, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1979-1994); Member, Massachusetts House of Representatives (1973-1978); Attorney; Real Estate Developer, Head Master, Boston Latin School (1977-1998; 2016-1017); Superintendent, Boston Public Schools; Award-Winning Educator; Adjunct Faculty, University of Massachusetts, Boston; Benefactor, Boston Latin School; Chair, Boston Latin School Association; Boston Latin School Distinguished Graduate Award 1988, President, Massachusetts Senate (1883); Member, Massachusetts House of Representatives; Chairman, Massachusetts State Board of Railroad Commissioners, Captain, United States Army (d. 1866. four times wounded), Artist; President. 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